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Sunday, 28 May 2017

Doctor Who "The Pyramid at the End of the World" Spoiler Free Review

Hello there Doctor Who fans it's that time of the week once more were you see me talk about Doctor Who and this time it's The Pyramid At The End Of The World. so lets get it started.

The plot for this weeks episode is a Pyramid appears out of know where and it's up to our trio of heroes to find out what's going on. Now i have to say that i really liked the story for this one it had a lot of great character moments which i really enjoyed and i liked the fact that there was basically two stories happening at once and they came together in a natural way.

In terms of cast we of course have Peter , Matt and Pearl who all do a great job this week especially Peter and Pearl who have some great scenes together in terms of the guest cast we have Togo Igawa , Nigel Hastings and Eben Young for me personally the guest cast really didn't serve that much of a purpose i can't say why but when you see the episode you'll see why i feel that way i think that they would have been better served if this episode was a two part story instead of just one.

I'm not sure where this weeks episode was filmed but the location they used looks really stunning it's one of the things that NewWho has over Classic Who they now have the money to go on location in places other then London and they use them to there full advantage and i hope that they continue to do so.

This weeks episode had some truly great CGI i'm not just talking TV quality i'm talking movie quality i don't know how big an effects budget for Doctor Who is but i'm sure that most of it went to creating the effects in this episode because they were so good my eyes were happy.  

I didn't mention this last week because of the fact i couldn't see them that clearly but i loved the monster make up for the monks it looks so cool and very creepy the team really did out do them selfs this time around plus i think it helps that the monsters them selfs are a bit on the creepy side which reminds me alot of of old school Doctor Who.

Now i'm not sure if this is true or not but i believe that there might have been some edits to this episode in spite of certain events which happend earlier on in the week and if so the edits were really well hidden and they didn't effect the story at all but tho with that being said i don't think they should have made any edits but that's just me personally if you feel different then that's fine.

I will say that the last five or ten minuets of this episode are easily the best moments in the whole episode everything pretty much hits the fan but not in the way that you think it will and for me it was great to see those events play out and that's really all i can say on those final minuets because literally anything else would be considered a spoiler.

Overall this was a good episode with a few great moments sprinkled in and it has a great ending which sets up next weeks third and final episode in this trilogy i give this weeks episode a 7.5 out of 10

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