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Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Top 5 Adult Cartoons

Hello there animation as well as there being great animated shows for kids out there their is also a few great shows aimed at adults as well and in this list i will tell you what my top 5 shows and before i forget i will not be including Beavis And Butt-Head because i havn't seen that many episodes of it and the same goes for Drawn Together because that would be lower down.

5) Spicy City

This show earns it's spot here just due to how strange it is this show was made for HBO and my god is this show adult i won't name some of the things seen in the series but let's just say there's a reason why the only picture i can use is a piece of fan art i found of google.

4) Aeon Flux

Again this show was and still is really odd for the first two seasons the main character never speaks and there is very little to no dialog within those episodes and each of the first episodes within the first two seasons are around 5 minuets in length and yes the main character dies at the end of every episode.

3) Family Guy

It wouldn't be a list of the best adult cartoons if Family Guy wasn't on here and i know the recent seasons havn't been as good but for the first few years this show was rude , crude and laugh out loud funny.

2) Robot Chicken 

There's not really much i can say about this show that hasn't already been said where as Family Guy uses shock humor to claim it's an adult cartoon this one does it in the jokes that it tells and very rarely goes for shock humor.

1) South Park

Of course South Park was going to be number 1 this show causes more controversy then any show on this list they even had an episode where i certain f word was said 399 times and for those that don't know the maximum amount you can say that word on TV is 400 the makers of this show have been getting angry letters from people since day 1 and there now on season 20. 

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