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Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Top 5 Adult Cartoons

Hello there animation as well as there being great animated shows for kids out there their is also a few great shows aimed at adults as well and in this list i will tell you what my top 5 shows and before i forget i will not be including Beavis And Butt-Head because i havn't seen that many episodes of it and the same goes for Drawn Together because that would be lower down.

5) Spicy City

This show earns it's spot here just due to how strange it is this show was made for HBO and my god is this show adult i won't name some of the things seen in the series but let's just say there's a reason why the only picture i can use is a piece of fan art i found of google.

4) Aeon Flux

Again this show was and still is really odd for the first two seasons the main character never speaks and there is very little to no dialog within those episodes and each of the first episodes within the first two seasons are around 5 minuets in length and yes the main character dies at the end of every episode.

3) Family Guy

It wouldn't be a list of the best adult cartoons if Family Guy wasn't on here and i know the recent seasons havn't been as good but for the first few years this show was rude , crude and laugh out loud funny.

2) Robot Chicken 

There's not really much i can say about this show that hasn't already been said where as Family Guy uses shock humor to claim it's an adult cartoon this one does it in the jokes that it tells and very rarely goes for shock humor.

1) South Park

Of course South Park was going to be number 1 this show causes more controversy then any show on this list they even had an episode where i certain f word was said 399 times and for those that don't know the maximum amount you can say that word on TV is 400 the makers of this show have been getting angry letters from people since day 1 and there now on season 20. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

5 Cartoon Network Shows / Pilots That Could Easily Replace Adventure Time

Hello there cartoon lovers i've been thinking that with Adventure Time due to finish in 2018 what show could possibly replace it as one of Cartoon network's highest rated shows and i believe i've come up with 5 shows that all have that possibility please note that of the time of this writing all shows have not been cancelled and some have already been picked up for future seasons.

5) Mighty Magiswords

I believe this show has the potential because of how great and witty the writing and the characters are and for me that's a rare thing to say about modern day cartoons.

4) We Bare Bears

This show has great writing and characters that you fall in love with just Ice Bear alone has a ton of fans and i can't blame them because Ice Bear is awesome and it actually makes you care about the characters.

3) Justice League Action

I put this on here because of how different it is to the current line up of shows and by that i mean it's not a comedy it's an action show and it looks different to the rest of the shows as well and i believe if Cartoon Network push this show right then we will have a winner on our hands.

2) Steven Universe

This one is perhaps the most logical of choices but given that it's not been confirmed beyond season 5 as of yet i couldn't put it at number 1 but the show has what all of the others have but on top of that it has great animation and catchy songs.

1) Infinity Train

While this show has not been picked up for a full series i strongly believe that Cartoon network will listen to the fans and pick this up and they should it has an interesting premise, writing that doesn't talk down to kids , a different style of animation and is not a comedy this show is a sci-fi show and Cartoon Network doesn't do those kinds of shows so if anything this is the one that could easily replace Adventure Time and as an added bonus it already has a fanbase 

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Zutto Mae Kara Suki Deshita: Kokuhaku Jikkō Iinkai Review

Hello there anime fans and i'm here today to give you a review of a movie that you might not have heard of and trust me it's for good reason and that movie is called Zutto Mae Kara Suki Deshita: Kokuhaku Jikkō Iinkai so let's begin.

The story is your typical romance story a girl and a boy like each other but don't have the courage to tell the other the end. That one line right here might make the movie sound more interesting then it actually is but the fact is it isn't interesting at all the plot is so predictable you know what's going to happen when the opening credits stop and the pacing is so bad that i actually started looking up all the things i would need for this review and i started messing with my phone.

Now usually i would say who is in the movie but for this film i will make an exception just because i couldn't find one single stand out performer in the whole piece and that's not there fault that's the fault of the script writer and the director for not giving them anything to work with but i did find a few characters that i liked tho and those were Natsuki Enomoto who is our main female character and Akari Hayasaka who is her best friend those were the only two characters that didn't make me want to pull my hair out. The rest of characters are either dull as hell , dumb as hell or just annoying as hell like for example there's this one girl who is walking down a street on the road and she doesn't even notice the freaking bus coming towards her that's how freaking dumb she is.

The animation in this film was done by Qualia Animation and from what i can gather this is there first piece if animation for both film and TV and i have to say for there first time out they did a decent job i'm not going to lie it could have been better but for a first time studio it was decent the motions looked good the characters looked like real people and the art work was great the only problem i have with the animation is there are a few times in the film where there is just a black screen for a few seconds which they could have filled in very easily.

Another thing that i didn't really like in this movie is the fact that the film feels like it should have been a TV series in fact you can even tell where the opening for each episode would have been because they play song over that scene but i'll get into the music soon. The reason why i feel this would have been better as a series rather then a movie is because it would have given the creators more time to develop the characters and more time to tell the story better and i think that this would have helped with alot of people's enjoyment.

The music for the film was done by CHiCo ( don't ask me who that is i don't know) and i thought it was pretty good the songs used worked well for me altho there is alot of songs in this movie and all of them are done by Honeyworks (again i have no clue who that is) and they sound really good for me personally the standout song is the opening called Koiro ni Sake which is worth listening to.

Guys can i recommend this to anyone maybe if you love romance anime then you might get something out of it but even the romance part falls flat because you don't care about the characters if you like slice of life anime then you guys might also like it but for me who likes slice of life this show is a 5 out of 10 and it's getting a sequel called Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Top 5 Strange Cartoons Based Of Movies

Hello there animation lovers when a movie becomes a hit there's one thing that studios want and that's to make a sequel but in the late eighties and early two thousands if your film was a hit then chances are it would get a cartoon series and here are my top 5 strange cartoons that are based of movies and when i say strange i mean why was this a cartoon.

5) Dumb And Dumber: The Animated Series

I put this show on here because of the fact that the original movie is like a cartoon so in a way it makes sense to turn into a cartoon but throw in the fact that this show has no plot and the fact that the show makers chose to add in an animal side kick you can quickly see why this show is odd as hell.

4) The Mask

Now on paper this should have been one of the greatest shows ever made and i can see why people would like the show but here's what this show and Dumb And Dumber and Ace Ventura have in common they all tried to replace Jim Carrey which you cannot do he made those films. Then when you add in the fact that the show ignores the first Mask film completely you can hopefully now see why i call this show strange.

3) RoboCop: The Animated Series

I don't know why this needed an animated series but apparently some hollywood producer thought that this would make a great kids cartoon so out went all the political commentary and the violence and in came lasers and bad story telling.

2) James Bond Jr.

Now if this film was set in the continuity of the movies this show wouldn't be on this list but the fact that one of the bond film producers chose to make a cartoon about James Bond and not have it feature James Bond and then have it go against everything that was all ready established is just baffling to me and this was going to be my number 1 choice but when i thought of what was number 1 this got bumped down to number 2.

1) Rambo: The Force Of Freedom

The very idea of turning an R rated movie into a TV show for kids to me is stupid but if you have a great set of writers and a great crew it can work but when it doesn't you get this show Rambo as we all know has PTSD due to the fact that has a prisoner of war during the Vietnam war that doesn't even get a mention in this show here he leads a team called The Force Of Freedom and takes on the apparently evil forces of S.A.V.A.G.E and just like with Robocop they took out everything that people loved about the movies and the character to make it more kid friendly. 

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Class "The Lost Review"

Hello there Doctor Who and #Class fans it's time once again for a review of the latest episode of Class and this time it's the series one finale "The Lost"

The plot of this weeks episode is The Shadowkin are back and it's up to the gang to stop them one more time and that's really it in terms of plot it's very basic but for this episode it worked alot of the story threads form this series got tied up and they set up something that will either be in series 10 of Doctor Who or hopefully in a possible series 2 of Class but tho this episode has got issues with it's pacing it's not bad pacing but there are times where the episode feels longer then it is.

The whole cast did a really great job this episode and i loved that each character got a moment to shine and the fact that they didn't ignore the storyline started in episode 6 either but tho for me the best performer in this episode was Vivian Oparah as Tanya or as i shall know call her Tanya The Shadowkin Slayer because she kicks alot of butt and is actually pretty badass this time around.

As mentioned before the shadowkin are back and i'm pretty glad they are just because whenever there on screen you know at some point it's going to hit the fan and not only does it hit the fan in this episode it smashes the fan and fits the roof but tho they don't really give a reason why there attacking earth in this episode they just sort of show up have a fight and that's it.

Prepare your selfs because there are lot of character deaths in this episode and you won't see any of them coming and it just goes to show you that this series isn't really afraid to show characters getting killed of in brutal fashion. There was also a really nice song that played just before the opening credits that really set the somber mood for the episode which i loved.

Overall this was a really good way to end the first series now i didn't mention which Doctor Who monsters show up in this episode because it's so cool you have to see it for your selfs but for me at least pacing issues stop this episode from being a 10 out of 10 and make it a 9 out of 10 

Friday, 2 December 2016

My Top 5 Voice Actors And Voice Actresses

Hello there animation lovers i will forever and a day say that voice actors need more recognition and since this is a post that i really havn't seen that much i thought i would tell you my top 5 voice actors and my top 5 voices actresses i chose to split the two because once you see who my number one voice actor is you'll know why it was more fair to do it this way so here we go.

Voice Actors

5) Billy West - Fry Futurama , Doug Many Many Many More

this guy is a legend there have been times where i didn't even no that i was listening to his voice because he's that good

4) Jim Cummings - Winnie The Pooh , The 7D , Animaniacs , Adventure Time Plus Many More

Jim like Billy is a legend and i love him as Pooh to me he is that character and he always will be

3) Tom Kenny - SpongeBob - Adventure Time , The Powerpuff Girls ( both the original and the remake) and lots more

The guy has been the voice of Spongebob for over fifteen years as well as playing the ice king on Adventure Time that's all i need to say

2) Kevin Conroy - Batman

What can i say about Kevin Conroy to me and many others he is Batman and to me he always will be forget Ben Afflek , forget Christian Bale this is the guy we should be talking about.

1) Mel Blanc - The Voice Of Pretty Much All The Looney Tunes And Pretty Much Your Childhood

Guys there is a reason why this guy is a legend from being Bugs Bunny to playing Barney Rubble there is a reason why they called this guy "The Man With A Thousand Voices"

Voice Actresses

5) E.G. Daily - Rugrats , The Powerpuff Girls , Recess And Phineas And Ferb

Guys weather you know it or not you grew up listening to E.G. Daily be it in Rugrats or Phineas And Ferb this is one person not to be messed and the fact that she looks good at 55 is only a plus

4) Kari Wahlgren - Fate Franchise , Hellsing Franchise , Harvey Beaks , Ben 10 And Many More

Talk about a versatile actress this girl has pretty much been in everything playing pretty much every role

3) Cree Summer - Inspector Gadget , Rugrats , Tiny Toon Adventures , Star Wars: Ewoks , Droid Tales And The Clone Wars And Many More

The shows i've just listed is only a small handful of the shows that Cree has worked on and i'm willing to bet that she will be in a ton more.

2) Nancy Cartwright The Simpsons

Nancy has been in many more TV shows but The Simpsons has been her most famous role and it always will be since the show is still on the air and she plays Bart so well that for a long a time i didn't know Bart was voiced by a girl and like many of the people on this and including the number one she is a legend.

1) Tara Strong Everything Apart From The Simpsons

I put that little line there because going her threw her Wikipedia page i've seen that she's been in pretty much everything apart from The Simpsons and she is still going strong with her latest series Justice League Action starting in December and you can hear her as Raven in Teen Titans Go and as Twilight Sparkle on My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and i havn't even scratched the surface with the TV shows and Films she's been in.