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Saturday, 29 October 2016

Class "Nightvisiting"Review

Hello there who fans a new episode of Class has just aired on BBC Three and i'm here to give you my thoughts on the episode so let's go here is my review of Class episode 3 "Nightvisiting"

The story for the episode is when London is infiltrated by a powerful alien an unexpected visitor comes to Tanya's window. The team must battle this strange new threat to stop Tanya from being lost forever. We get some great backstory for Tanya this episode which i really liked and we also get some backstory for April as well and it was really shocking hearing what her dad was like and how her mum got paralyzed.This episode does have some pretty bad pacing issues some scenes feel a lot slower then they actually are and to me that wasn't a good thing.

We of course have the regular cast and all of them do a fantastic job in this episode for me tho the standout performance in this episode is Vivian Oparah as Tanya who has possibly the saddest scene in the episode and it shows that she has a lot of talent as an actress and is someone who has a great future ahead of her.

The practical effects in this episode looked really good and so much better then the CGI in episode 2 the practical effects to me looked movie quality good and i think that the team making this series has some really talented effects guys and i don't know why but the monsters in this episode reminded me of the aliens in alien. 

The monsters in this episode were not aliens at least not in the typical sense the monsters this time round are dead humans and that makes the story even more horrific because humans are indeed scary and it's great that Patrick Ness chose to make them the main monsters. The third act has a really great scene init i won't spoil it but here are some clues Miss Quill and Bus you can put two and two together if you want but it's really freaking cool and the best scene in this episode.


If the last episode was like a straight forward horror film then this one is like a science fiction horror and i really loved it did something that Doctor Who hasn't done and that's show a gay couple getting it on. 

Overall this was a really good episode so far for me at least this series has been really good and i hope that this does continue throughout the rest of the series but this episode did have some pacing issues i give this weeks Class a 8.5 out of 10

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Top 5 Modern Cartoons

Well hello there cartoon lovers since my last cartoon themed list did pretty good i thought i would return with another one but this time focusing on my personal top 5 modern cartoons i must however state that this is just my own personal list so please don't hurt me :P

5) Ben 10 2016 / The Powerpuff Girls 2016

i really couldn't choose which one to put here so i went with both of them just because these two shows for me at least are pure escapist entertainment and since i never watched the original Ben 10 i can't say which is better and while the new Powerpuff Girls is indeed pretty bad it does have some good voice acting and some good episodes.

4) My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

I went with this series over Adventure Time because of two reasons the first being i couldn't find any reasons why i liked Adventure Time and the second being that not only has this show brought together two generations of fans but it also teaches you lessons that we as adults could adhere two every now and then.

3) Steven Universe

This is at number three because while it does have great writing and great songs since i only started watching the show near the end of season 3 i don't have that connection that the die hard fans have so this is more of a personal thing then anything else.

2) Milo Murphy's Law

This show to me at least is really strange but it has great witty dialog which i love and i find my self laughing at least once in nearly every episode plus it has Weird Al and that's a win for any show.

1) Mighty Magiswords

This show is just freaking funny as hell it has a premise that i havn't seen before the jokes nearly always hit and i like the animation it reminds me alot of shows like Tiny Toons and Animaniacs where they have these great funny leads and then surrounded them with crazy side characters and plots.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Class "The Coach With The Dragon Tattoo" Review

Hell there Doctor Who fans well here we are yet again with another review of what i can safely say will in time become a fan favourite series here is my review of the second episode of Class called "The Coach With The Dragon Tattoo".

The story for this weeks second episode is as follows Ram struggles to cope following events at the Prom isolating himself from the others but when the school is faced with a dreadful new threat the gang must unite to fight it. I have to say i much preferred this episodes story to the first just because this one seems to be more fun in a way and unlike the last episode which did have some pacing issues this one really doesn't.

Of course we have all the main actors in this episode and honestly there all starting to grow on me a bit we got some backstory for Tanya in this episode which i thought was pretty good and i think i can say who many people will start to love and it's Miss Quill she just gets all the best lines in this episode and indeed most of the laughs it's nice to see Katherine Kelly get some jokes because she can be quite funny. I have to say tho that the two standout characters in this episode are Miss Quill and Ram because we get to see things from there POV which i thought was a really interesting idea and was one that i really liked also the guy who played the PE teacher was really good as well.

In the last episode i liked the way the monster looked sadly the same cannot be said for this episode's monster the CGI just looked fake to me and if i'm being honest the monster just looked like a typical dragon and it was really obvious that it was all done in a computer.

This episode to me felt like a horror movie and to a degree it followed all the horror cliche's we have someone investigating a strange noise , the comic relief character , and the fact that there is a ton of blood i'm not even joking if you thought that the first episode had a lot of blood then you have seen nothing yet.

Not all the CGI was bad mind you the effects on the tattoo was really good and it helped sell the fact that something was going to happen i'm trying not to spoil the episode by the way. This episode also has a really good third act where again no spoilers but lets say something pretty cool happens and there's a pretty epic speech as well and a fair few laughs.

If the last episode was about these bunch of strangers coming together then this episode was about dealing with the after effects of that in both a positive and negative way and the fact that it's all resolved by the end of the episode was pretty good and it was a nice way to tie the two episodes together.

Overall this was a really good second episode and i hope that the rest of the series carry's on being this good that being said i couldn't help but notice that two of the main characters felt like side characters in this episode it's not a big issue but it's something that i noticed i give episode 2 a 9.0 out of 10


Class "For Tonight We Might Die" Review

Hello there Doctor Who fans here we are for the first time since 2005 with no new series of Doctor Who to digest so to help get us through this tough year the BBC have made a new spin-off series called Class and here is my review of episode 1 "For Tonight We Might Die".

The Plot for this episode is some shadow monsters are after an object that a pupil at Coal Hill Academy has and will stop at nothing to get it. That brief line that i just gave about the story for the episode is pretty much the entire episode but the episode has such a great pace to it that it feels like there is more story that could have been told within the episode.

At the start of this episode we are introduced to our main cast of characters Greg Austin as Charlie , Fady Elsayed as Ram , Sophie Hopkins as April , Vivian Oparah as Tanya and Katherine Kelly as Miss Quill in terms of the younger cast they do a pretty good considering that this could have been the first jobs for all of those actors as with any series it will take people a few episodes to get used to them i personally think that either Charlie or April will emerge as fan favorites but it's two early to tell. As for the adult cast the standout for me is by far Katherine Kelly who is just brilliant in this episode and a few scenes into to the episode you get the feeling that something is up with her character i won't spoil it here but she plays it well.

I will try and keep this as spoiler free as possible but if you havn't seen the trailer for the show then i won't spoil it but there is a cameo from a Doctor Who character in this episode that i just loved but at the same time it also reminded me that there was no Doctor Who series year. There is also a reference to a modern Doctor Who companion which if you know where Class is mostly set you can pretty much work which character i mean but it's still nice to see them reference this character.

In case you had any doubts that this wouldn't be as adult as the makers made it out to be trust me it is and the third act really makes it very clear you see someone get knifed in the back and you see the blood go all over another character and then later on you see that same character loose a limb that is something that Doctor Who wouldn't show. That's about as adult as episode one really got but that was all it really needed to get as the first episode was all about setting up the characters and the relationships between the main cast.

Not gonna lie i thought the monsters for this episode looked really freaking cool i honestly couldn't tell if they were all CGI or just had CGI added to them but they were really pretty to look at and they looked really freaking scary as well and i hope that the rest of the monsters for this series look as good as the ones in this episode do.

A lot of the adult stuff in this series comes from the fact that the series is being aired on BBC Three and not the main BBC ONE which i think is great because it allows this series to go places where Doctor Who can't go but with the series also airing on BBC ONE i have to wonder would the series loose some of that edge when they re-air the episodes because they would have to make alot of edits to make it go out before 9pm.

Overall as first episodes go this was really good i couldn't help but notice that at times the pacing was pretty bad but in a first episode that's to be expected and i loved how they explained why Coal Hill looks different the young cast will also take some getting used and i know episode 2 is out already and will be watching it later on today so expect a review for that episode as well i give episode one an 8.5 out of 10

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

My Top 5 Iconic Cartoon Vehicles

Hello there cartoon fans you know i was thinking today about my childhood and things that really stuck out especially from cartoon shows and then i thought well why not make a list of my top 5 iconic cartoon vehicles and before i start one of these shows is based on a live action show but it did get a cartoon counterpart so it counts so let's begin.

5) The General Lee From The Dukes

I admit that my love for this car stems mostly from the live action show The Dukes Of Hazzard but it looks so good in animation form that i just had to include it.

4) The Turtle Van From TMNT 1980's Series

I loved this van growing up and what's not to like about it it has everything a turtle's fan could ever want it has gadgets and it has guns and all the turtle vehicles are somehow always stored in the van.

3) Thunderbird 2 From Thunderbirds

This choice is something that most Americans won't know about but it's some what of a British institution and i loved watching the original Thunderbirds when i was growing up in the 90's and the one vehicle i loved the most was Thunderbird 2 out of all he vehicles they had on that show this is the one that not only looked like it could do anything but could do so with some style.

2) Batmobile From Batman The Animated Series

Just look at this car it's so freaking cool and the fact that the animators went out of there way to make it look like the 1989 Batmobile is really something.

1) The Mystery Machine 

This car might not be the most reliable in fact it spends half of it's time breaking down but with a franchise as iconic as Scooby Doo all you would have to do is show someone just the side of this van and they know what it is instantly and the franchise is till on going it's been viewed by that many people over the years that it's earned it's place in Cartoon Vehicle history.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Wake Up, Girls! Seishun no Kage Review

Hello there anime fans i'm here today with the first true sequel to what i think is now the third best idol anime series ever Wake Up, Girls! Seishun no Kage so here we go.

The plot of this fifty five minuet follow up is that the girls have signed a major record deal in Tokyo and that company chooses to release there song 7 Girls War and that's really it it's a simple story but for this special it really works even if the film has pretty bad pacing.

The voice cast from the tv series all return to voice there characters and all of them do a really solid job with the script that there given but while they do a good job they don't really bring anything new to the characters all of them instead of being three dimensional characters end up just being 2D and i'm not blaming the VA's at all i'm blaming the writer.

The animation in this film / special is pretty good you can tell from the very start that there was a huge bump up in the budget and i'm glad that this franchise is being given a chance because i really want it to succeed. There was a lot of fluid looking animation in the special / film and lots of stunning backgrounds but i couldn't help but notice some lazy animation especially when it comes to the girls mouth movements.

As with any idol anime the most important thing is the music at least it is to me anyways and the three songs that are featured here are pretty good of course we have 7 Girls War but then we have two movie exclusive songs who's names i've forgotten but the last two songs do there job really well but nothing is going to top the awesomeness that is 7 Girls War and nothing ever will.

Ok people i've held this off long enough i have to talk about the freaking terrible ending the film for some reason chooses to end with no resolution which really p****d me off even if this film is just a part 1 you still need somethings to be resolved and something to lead you into part 2 and while we do get that last part we don't get the first part and the film chooses to end on a song. There is a mid-credits scene but really doesn't do anything and could have been the scene before the credits.

Overall guys i'd say that if you were a fan of the Wake Up Girls anime series and the Zoo spin-off then i suggest that you watch this movie because it gets you cought up with the characters that you love but that being said it has terrible pacing and pretty bad editing and you know my thoughts on the freaking ending i give this movie a solid 6.0 out of 10  

Monday, 3 October 2016

Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 2: Jiyuu no Tsubasa AKA Attack On Titan: The Wings Of Freedom Review

Hello anime fans i'm here to get you all ready for season 2 of Attack On Titan and the best way i thought i could do is if i review the second movie called Shingeki no Kyojin Movie 2: Jiyuu no Tsubasa since i've already reviewed the first one  so here we go with the second .

Now here is where i would get into the story of the film but since this film is a recap from the second half of the first season i will just say watch the first season of the show and you'll get the story. I will however say this the film's pacing isn't that good there are scenes that could have served from getting trimmed down a bit.

All the voice actors from the series are all back (duh) and they all do a great job voicing there characters one of the things i liked about not only the first movie but also the few episodes of season one i did watch was the voice acting and how the actors were able to make you believe that this world is real and so are the threats within it.

The animation is freaking brilliant the motions were very fluid and life like but you can tell that this was done on a TV budget this is sadly one of the short comings that all recap movies have especially when it comes to anime recap films it's nothing the film makers can help but since it's in the film i have to point it out.

Since this film is the last entry of Attack On Titan before we go through the long wait for season 2 there is a new ending added on that does lead into the new season i won't spoil it here but if your a die hard fan of the franchise you will like it. The one thing i discovered while watching this film is how brutal the action scenes are you see a lot of blood and they don't even try to hide it either.

Overall if your a fan of the show and you want a quick recap of the first series then i recommend you watch these films however if you have not seen the first series but are interested in seeing what it's all about then i say watch it but there are pacing issues so as a non fan i give this film a 7.5 out of 10