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Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Iron Man 1994 Animated Series "Rejoice! I Am Ultimo, Thy Deliverer" Review

There are quite alot of animated shows that are based of off comic book heroes some series are fairly well known like Batman: The Animated Series or even perhaps X-Men: The Animated Series or even Spider-Man: the Animated Series. There are however some that aren't quite as well known like the show that i'm going to be taking a look at today as while the character that this series is based of off is now very popular thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe he wasn't always as popular as he was today and so then join me as I review that has Iron Man fighting against a giant robot with the episode in question being called simply just "Rejoice! I Am Ultimo, Thy Deliverer" enjoy.

The plot of this episode is when The Mandarin unleashes and looses control of the giant robot Ultimo it's up to Iron Man and his team to stop the robot before it's far two late. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode was in all honesty not that bad but that's also the issue tho as this episodes plot wasn't all that good either as it just gave the stereotypical superhero kids animated series plot and nothing more then that with the plot of this episode feeling rather like that it really belonged in the plot of an eighties animated show and not one that was made in the nineties as the plot of this episode wasn't all that strong either with the plot of the episode not really being really rather entertaining and nor is it really rather engaging either in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.  

Starring in this episode is Robert Hays as Tony Stark / Iron Man and The Charter Boat Captain and James Avery as Jim Rhodes / War Machine. Also starring in this episode is Ed Gilbert as The Mandarin and Ultimo , Jim Cummings as Modok and Luciano Pavarotti , Tony Steedman as Justin Hammer , James Warwick as Century and Sam Jaggers , John Reilly as Clint / Hawkeye and Vacationing Man , Casey DeFranco as Julia Carpenter / Spider-Woman , Shepherd Girl and Vacationing Woman and Katherine Moffat as Wanda Frank / Scarlet Witch.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode was in all honesty not that bad. As the cast that you expect a good performance from like Jim Cummings and James Avery really do deliver a really rather solid performance in this episode as there respective episodes how it's the rest of the cast that just don't turn in that good of a performance with alot of them being really wooden at best and just downright bad bad at there worst which is something that really god bring down the overall quality of the acting in this episode with the acting in this episode not really being helped by the fact that the script for this episode is just so bad as it doesn't really give any of the actors anything to work with interms of what it is that there respective characters personalities are even meant to be in the first place.

Doing the animation for this episode is Encore Communications and the legends and the greats that are currently over at Rainbow Animation. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual animation that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual animation that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode was in all honesty not that bad as there was quite clearly alot of love and effort put into the animation for this episode but with that being said it's also quite clearly not that good either as there are some animation errors in this episode which could have been fixed very easily and yet for some reason wasn't and while the animation in this episode was better then the animation in say Fantastic Four for example it's still not as good as the animation was in Spider-Man: The Animated Series.

This is the episode that introduces the friendly rivalry between Wanda and Julia Carpenter as they each try to become Tony's love interest. This was a pretty bad down point in this episode as it's something that really doesn't play a part in the episode this is despite it being a fun aspect of both characters as it gives them something to do for the rest of this first season of the show despite being backup for Tony Stark but with that said they could have handled this part of both of there characters that little bit better as it's something that really does come out of nowhere and heck if they wanted to connect it to the plot of this episode then they really could have done by having each woman trying to outdo the other leading to Julia Carpenter confronting Ultimo by herself thus setting up the third act of the episode and yet the episode doesn't do that with this aspect of the characters feeling like something that wasn't all that well thought out with there storyline really alot more like an after thought and not like something that's an important aspect of both characters.

Out of both this episode and the debut episode for the Fantastic Four animated series this one does come across as being the worst one of the two. As at the very least the one for the Fantastic Four animated series was at the very least entertainingly bad where as this one isn't even that it's just straight up bad with the episode being very cutty cutter in that everything that you think is going to happen does happen in the episode with the episode doing nothing new or all that interesting compare this with Spider-Man: The Animated Series which aired not long after this show they at the very least took risks with more long form story arcs having six or seven part episodes or even X-Men: The Animated Series which would tell one story over the course of one single season despite having multiple single episodes stories as well this show however just plays things to safe which would have worked back in the eighties but it doesn't work in the nineties.

Ultimo in this episode really isn't that good of a villain which in this case is understandable as he is just a mindless robot. However at the same time we don't really get to find out why he's disobeying The Mandarin and MODOK as he just does it when we first meet him in the episode and yet they never explain it away when they really should have done as it's a key plot point as it gets the whole plot of the episode moving and is the whole reason why Iron Man is needed in the first place and yet the episode never goes into detail about it with Ultimo himself being nothing more then a mindless machine which again does make sense but we also don't really get to find out why he's doing what he's doing as he's just walking around the desert for no reason and yet for some reason he's treated as a big threat when he really isn't all that big of a threat especially when compared to either to MODOK or even The Mandarin for that matter.

Now then this episode has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly twenty one minuets and fifty six seconds. Which is a really rather solid running time for this episode to have and is pretty much the bogstanderd running time for this show to have but at the same time tho this episode could have done with being just a little big longer as that would then allow the makers of this episode to fully develop some of it's characters including the series main characters and to fully develop the episodes plot as well but this would also have had the issue of stretching the episodes plot even thinner then what it already is and when push does indeed come to shove the story has to always come first no matter how much time you add onto the episode if it effects the plot then it should remain as it is no matter what improvements could have been made if the episode was even a little bit longer but I will admit that this episode really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is was an action show that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode was in all honesty not that bad. With the episode doing a decent job of showing why each member of the team belongs on the team but for some reason Wanda despite being the strongest member of any team that she's on really does nothing to help the team out action wise and even the show is named Iron Man and Iron Man is the main character of the show it's not Iron Man that takes Ultimo down it's Hawkeye which is in a way really refreshing as it does make sense as Hawkeye is there best archer but at the same time with the show being called Iron Man you'd expects Iron Man to be the one that really delivers the show that takes down Ultimo in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall while this show is better then the Fantastic Four animated series in some regards this episode is far more worse then the debut episode of the Fantastic Four animated series in alot more regards with the worst thing about this episode being the fact that it's both boring and forgettable in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then iv;e talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very episode in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very episode really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 6 out of 10 from me,

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen the images that I personally used in this very review from the official marvel Animated Universe fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get the images from this very episode that I personally used in this very review being the really great and really legendary the official Marvel Animated Universe fandom wiki page simply really just due to the fact that really alot of if not really all of the images that are all really from this episode and are really of course on the official Marvel Animated Universe fandom wiki page are all really all fairly high in quality and as well as them all being really fairly freaking high in definition.

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin Review

There are so many important episodes ranging from episodes that change how certain characters act to things that are added to the lore of the show. This show is choc filled to the brim with episodes that might not seem to important at the time of broadcast but over time become important episodes of the show with the episode that i'm about to review for you all today being one such example as this is an episode that adds something to the lore of the show something which the Chris Chibnall era of Doctor Who has all but wiped out of canon and so then join me as I review the episode that not only introduces some important lore to the show but also introduces an interesting take on The Master with the episode in question being called simply just "The Deadly Assassin" enjoy.

The plot of this episode is when The Doctor is framed for the assassin of the time lord presendent he has just forty eight hours to clear his name or else he himself will end up dead and buried. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode was in all honesty really good which is of no surprise as this episode was written by the great Robert Holmes who wrote many a Doctor Who story with this episodes plot doing a good job of keeping you invested in finding out who the real culprit is and in making sure that you can't take your eyes of the screen incase you miss something important to the plot with the episode with this episode also being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this episode is Tom Baker as The Doctor , Angus MacKay as Borusa and Bernard Horsfall as Chancellor Goth. Also starring in this episode is Erik Chitty as Co-Ordinator Engin , George Pravda as Castellan Spandrell , Derek Seaton as Commander Hilred , Hugh Walters as Runcible , Llewellyn Rees as The President , Peter Mayock as Solis , Helen Blatch as The Voice Of The Matrix and Peter Pratt as The Master.

Now then  interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured /presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode was in all honesty really good. With all of the episodes cast turning in some really good if not borderline great performances with Tom Baker himself being on top form as The Doctor with him really having a blast in this episode with alot of the episodes cast also being on top form as well which does make it very hard to say who the best performer is in this episode as all of the episodes cast are just on top form and while some are clearly having more fun in the episode then others that doesn't mean that they turn in bad performances because they don't with the acting in this episode really being helped by the fact that the script for this episode is just so good that all the episodes cast have to do is just say the lines as they are written and a good performance will come out of them naturally.

This episode marks the first appearance of what could be considered the second incarnation of The Master. With this version of the character beg at the end of his of life and unlike The Doctor who just grew old this one is decaying with him being nothing more then a shell of his former self in every sense of the world with this new design being really creepy looking which is something that is oddly fitting for a villain as a villain should look scary and even with Doctor Who being a kids TV show they still managed to make him look like the stuff of nightmares and while the design for the character is creepy looking what doesn't work is the fact that the characters mask does make it hard to hear what the character is saying alot of the time which does mean that alot of his lines of dialog do get missed quite alot of the time and again with the mask it does make it hard to tell if he's talking or not because you can't really see his mouth moving.

There are two things that make this episode an important episode of the show the first and most important of which is the fact that it's the episodes that introduces a limit on how many times that a time lord can regenerate. This is something that whilst it's done in a throw away line in episode four it's also something that goes on to become an important aspect of the show as it now means that every single time that The Doctor does infact die he or she is getting one step close to there death and it's something that the show at least in the classic and even to some lesser degree the modern era of the show was very good with sticking with and while yes there's the whole The Brain Of Morbius thing with previous Doctors being shown on screen that episode was aired as part of season 13 before this rule was set up and yet ever since this rule the show was very good with sticking to it as that's how important that this rule was to the show with the rule really being pretty much retconned out of the shows lore thanks to the The Timeless Children episode of the show.

The other thing that makes this episode an important is that it's the first episode in the shows history to not feature a companion. As The Doctor is by himself for the entirety of the episode and while those are usually a very mixed bad with alot of them not really exploring the potential of what The Doctor might be like and might act like when he's not got a companion here they also fall into that exact same trap and because of that we don't really get to see The Doctor act how we've been told and some cases have seen how he acts when he's not been with a companion for very long and while this could by chalked up to the fact that he's only just left Sarah Jane it still would have been interesting to see him act like a monster when he's say confronting The Master like he has the chance to genuinely kill The Master of for good but that's when his humanity kicks in and he stops himself from doing just that and yet the episode doesn't give us a chance to see anything that awsome as the episode doesn't give us the chance to see what The Doctor is like when he's been on his own for a while. 

In a rather refreshing move the episode really doesn't linger to much on trying to work out who is partly behind the killing of the time lord president. As they just straight up say that it's The Master around the halfway point of the story with the story then shifting focus on to who he was working with which is something that does work in one regard as it does lead to a genuinely good action sequence but then once you find out why this person did what they did it also doesn't really make sense either as we find out that the person that actually pulled the trigger was Chancellor Goth with his reason behind it being that he wanted to become the president of Gallifrey which doesn't make sense as the previous president was retiring in the first place and was about to name his successor who was highly rumored to be Chancellor Goth which means that it was pointless for him to be the one that pull the trigger as he'd only end up getting something that he was highly rumored to be getting in the first place with it being better if episode had say Commander Hilred or even Borusa be the ones to pull the trigger as both would have the means and they could be given the motive to actually want to the current president dead.

Now then while I cannot for the absolutely life of me remember whatever this episode grand total running time even was I do know for a fact that this episode has / had an exact grand total running tie of roughly one hour and thirty minuets. Which is oddly short a running time for this episode to have as you very easily could have gotten two more episodes out of this story alone as having be a four part episode while it does force the plot to get alot of the focus it also means that the plot has to get rushed with the episode having more then plot to cover at the very least six episodes and if the episode did have those extra two episodes it wold allow for there to be some development with the time lords as it would allow us to see why The Doctor really doesn't like working with them instead of just brushing over it until the very end of the story but I will admit that this episode really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is an action show that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / resented to us in this very episode was in all honesty really good. With the fourth ad final episode of this story having a surprisingly entertaing and thrilling third act action scene between The Doctor and The Master that looks so much better then what it really had any right to be and is just as epic then what it really had any right to be as well as Doctor Who at least in the classic era of the show wasn't really known for it's action and yet here we get not one but two really good action and thrilling actions scenes both in the same episode and both of which were really good and were really thrilling and entertaining to watch in the final cut of the episode in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall this episode was for lack of better word amazing as it has everything that you'd expect there to be in a good episode of Doctor Who and then some with the episode adding something good to the lore of the show whilst The Timeless Children retconned that in order to add in something that nobody really likes in the first place in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very episode in this very review and as such that really does means that this very episode really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 9 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Doctor Who fandom wiki page , Amazon  Co . Uk and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get the images from this very episode that I used in this very review being the really great and really legendary Google Images simply just due to the fact that really alot of if not really all of the images that are all really from this episode and are really of course on Google Images are all really all fairly high in quality and as well as them all being really fairly freaking high in definition.

Monday, 25 March 2024

Fantastic Four: The Animated Series TV Series "The Origin Of The Fantastic Four Parts One And Two" Review

Back in the nineties Marvel would turn pretty much anything into an animated series be they from popular characters like the X-Men or Spider-Man to more lesser known characters like Iron Man. Well believe it or not there's one animated show from the nineties that alot of us myself included just straight up forgot about as while it does feature some semi popular characters the show itself was packaged together with Iron Man: The Animated Series and so then join me as I review the debut episodes of the show that let's be honest here alot of us just straight up forgot was even a thing in the first place with the episodes in question being called simply just "The Origin Of The Fantastic Four Parts One And Two" enjoy.

The plot of these two episodes is during a telethon the Fantastic Four reveal there backstory in which they have to stop Puppet Master from using human puppets to try and take over the world before it's far to late. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes was in all honesty not that bad but at the same time tho the plot of these episodes isn't all that good either as there's nothing in both of these episodes that demands that it be a two part episode as the whole plot really could have been covered in just one episode with the actual plot itself being so thin that it might as well not even be there as it really just comes and goes as and when it chooses to with the plot of these first two episodes not really being really rather entertaining nor is it really rather engaging either in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in these episodes is Beau Weaver as Reed Richards / Mr. Fantastic and Warden Butler and Lori Alan as Sue Richards / Invisible Woman. Also starring in these episodes is Chuck McCann as The Thing and Guard Clancy , Brian Austin Green as Johnny Storm / The Human Torch , Dick Clark as Himself , Gary Owens as Himself and Bystander 1 , Neil Ross as The Puppet Master and Bystander 2 , Pauline Lomas as Alicia Masters , Joan Lee as Miss Forbes , Gina Tuttle as Woman TV Reporter and Jim Cummings as Slash Curtis , Bull Donavon and Skink Lomas.

Now then as for what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes was in all honesty not that bad. With the cast for these episodes doing the best that they could possibly do as alot of the cast for these episodes aren't that really well known voice actors and as a result of that is that it would be unwise to expect them to turn in a great performance in these two episodes and while some of these actors really do turn in a good performance like Brian Austin Green who really is just a pure joy to listen to as Johnny Storm / The Human Torch we also have Pauline Lomas as Alicia Masters who really just sounds really wooden in the her role with the acting in these episodes not really being helped by the fact that the script for both of these episodes was so bad as it doesn't really give the cast anything to work with interms of what it is that there respective characters personalities are even meant to be in the first place and that is something that really does bring down the overall quality of the acting that's in both of these first two episodes.

Doing the animation for both of these episodes is the legends and the greats that are currently over at Wang Film Productions Company. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual animation that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual animation that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes was in all honesty not that bad as there is clear effort put into the animation but at the same time there are some animation errors to be found in the first episode alone with Sue going from her civilian clothes to her Fantastic Four clothes and back again all in the same sequence and while it's really not unusual for Marvel animated shows to have animation errors in them in this show really alot of them were really distracting as all they do is take you out of the episode and remind you that all your doing is watching an animated TV show.

In what could be seen as a rather bold move these episodes instead of having the entire team as the main character instead have Ben Grimm / The Thing act as the main character. As he's the one that gets alot of the plot and alot of the screen tie which is something that doesn't quite work as this is only the first two episodes of the show and as a result of that is the fact that the whole team needs to be set up first before you start individual focus episodes later on in the shows run as by then the team would be fully set up as characters and the show could afford to do these one or two focus episodes to develop certain team members and yet by doing it this early on in the run all it does is make the rest of the team feel like side characters when they all should have been the main characters at least in these bunch of episodes with the show having more of an ensemble main cast like what they did on X-Men: The Animated Series.

As was mentioned at the start of this review this show was packaged with Iron Man: The Animated Series and aired as part of the The Marvel Action Hour. With the block in it's second season being renamed the Marvel Action Universe which saw the addition of oddly enough Biker Mice From Mars being added to the block pairing up Iron Man with the Fantastic Four does make sense as they are apart of the same company and do take place within the exact same fiction universe as X-Men and Spider-Man: The Animated Series but what doesn't make sense is adding in Biker Mice From Mars as yes the show was popular but it doesn't really go with the whole Marvel branding and as a result of that is you risk you putting of the Marvel fans who just want to watch back to back Marvel shows and you risk putting of people who aren't fans of Marvel but are fans of Biker Mice From Mars as Marvel fans won't want a block that's named after Marvel to have a none Marvel themed show in there and the other fans won't want to watch two shows form something that they don't like just to watch the one show that they do like.

While it is understandable that the show didn't use Dr. Doom right away as he is a big enough villain that you don't really need him in the opening few episodes of the show. You still do need a better known villain then The Puppet Master even if it's just a low level villain like Mole Man as The Puppet Master isn't really a strong enough villain to hold an entire episode by himself where as Mole Man is just campy enough and just low level enough that you can kind of get away with it for at the very least this shows opening few episodes where as with The Puppet Master you can't really do that and while yes having a deeply serious villain in your opening few episodes can indeed work just look at Spider-Man: The Animated Series as a key example of that they also need the writing for the character and for the episode to be just as good and sadly that's not the case with the episode as while The Puppet Master is treated seriously the episodes inter cuts his scenes with the more comical scenes at the telethon which causes all tension to be lost right away.

Now then episode one of this show has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly twenty one minuets and fifty one seconds where as episode two of this show has / had an exact grand total running tine of exactly twenty one minuets and fifty one seconds. With both of the episodes having the exact same running time and to both of the episodes credit they really do make the most of that running time but at the same time tho even tho both of these episodes spend alot of time on the telethon it doesn't effect the plot in any way whatsoever which just makes all of these scenes feel alot more like filler scenes as they really could have been cut out from both episodes and nothing regarding the episodes plot would have been effected and it would infact cause both of the episodes to flow alot better then what they do as with those telethon scenes they cut back to it whenever the main plot gets going and all it does is cause the episode to loose momentum but I will admit that both of these have some really good pacing to them tho.

So now then as this is an action show that means that I have to actually talk abut the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes and well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes was in all honesty not that bad. As the episodes do have some really good action scenes in them with the episodes making great use of all of the teams powers and using there powers in some really creative ways but at the same time we the audience aren't really given a reason to care for the team as both episodes don;t give us a reason to care for them outside of the fact that there the heroes and that's really it and while the episode does have some good action in it as the episode fails to make us care for the actual team the all of the good action just does hit as hard as it really should have done in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall it's not hard to see why this show has mostly been forgotten about by alot of people as there's really nothing in these first two episodes that really stands out for all of the right reasons with even these first two episodes being really forgettable at best and really just downright bad at it's absolutely worst in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in these first two episodes in this very review and as such that means that these very episode really do earn them selfs a combined grand old score of exactly a 6 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that In personally used in this very review from the official Marvel Animated Universe fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get the images from these very episodes that I used in this very review being the really great and really legendary the official Marvel Animated Universe fandom wiki page simply just due to the fact that really alot of if not really all of the images that are all really from these episodes and are really of course on the official Marvel Animated Universe fandom wiki page are all really all fairly high in quality and as well as them all being really fairly freaking high in definition.

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Thomas & Friends: Calling All Engines! Film Review

While alot of people who grew up with Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends still talk about episodes of the show and occasionally mention Thomas And The Magic Railroad. Very people if anyone talk about the films that came out after Thomas And The Magic Railroad with the first of those films being the very film that i'm about to review for you all today and so then join me as I review the film that has more learning scenes then actual plot with the film in question being called simply just "Thomas & Friends: Calling All Engines" enjoy.

The plot of this film is when the steam engines and the diesel engines can't get along and cause several delays including the building of a new Sodor Airport it's up to the engines to put there differences aside before it's far to late. Now then in terms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / flt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that good as while it is understandable for a kids film to have a rather simplified plot for it's kid audience this films plot is so simple and easy to understand that all it does is make you wonder why this is the plot of a film as it's really epic enough to be a film plot with this not really being helped by the fact that the film straight up stops the plot of the film several times to have a learning segment for no reason whatsoever with the plot of the film not being really rather entertaining as well as not being really rather engaging either in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. 

The narrator and thus the only cast member for the film is of course the regular series narrator at this point in time Michael Angelis. Who gave the characters different voices to make it easier to fully understand who is talking something which Ringo Starr did try and fail to do in most regards with the voices that Michael Angelis gives the characters being oddly fitting for each of the characters altho Percy's voice can be a bit grating at times during the main series run here tho since he's not the main character his voice isn't as annoying to listen to and while Ringo Starr felt like an odd choice to be the series first official narrator Michael Angelis is the perfect choice as he sounds like someone who is reading you these stories as your drifting of to sleep where as when Ringo Starr was reading it felt like he was trying to keep you invested for five minuets instead of letting you drift of to sleep to the sound of his voice.

Now then interms of what I personally thought /felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought /felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With Michael Angelis being the pitch perfect narrator for this series so much that amongst the franchises fanbase he really is a firm favorite with him being one of if not the best UK narrator that the series ever had and it's really not hard to see why as he has the voice that really is just pitch perfect for not only this film but for this series as a whole with his acting in this film really being one of the very few saving graces that this film has going for with the acting in this film not really being helped by the fact that the script for this film is just so bad as it gives Angelis nothing to work with interms of what the characters personalities are even meant to be in the first place which is something that really does bring down the overall quality of the acting that's in this film.

As this film was made when the series was still using models for all of the train characters there really isn't anything in the way of traditional animation. With the models in this film looking just as good as you'd expect them to from the model era of the franchise however at the same time it's quite clear that the models that are used in this film aren't up to feature film with them just basically being the exact same ones that would have been used in the filming of the show which from a money saving standpoint really does make sense as all of these models wouldn't have been cheap to make but at the same time tho as this is the second ever Thomas film the people that were behind making this film really should have upgraded the models for this film just to make them look film worthy instead of looking like they've just finished using these models to film an entire series of the show and while the faces themselves really don't look to bad they also don't really match up with what the narrator is saying about what's meant to be going on in the plot either.

For some reason this film uses the full series 8 intro which just doesn't make sense at all as this is meant to be a film. Yet by having the full TV intro play in full it makes the story feel alot less special then what it already is as you wouldn't expect any movie that's based of off a TV show to use the intro of that TV show and yet for some reason they do it here at least with the following film they have the excuse of there using to introduce the guest narrator where as here they don't even have that excuse working for them this is made all the more odd when you take into account that all of the later films in this franchise have there own unique intro that's exclusive to that particular film and all of which makes you wonder why they didn't do it for this film as this is meant to be the first Thomas film since Thomas And The Magic Railroad and as a result no one would blame the maker of this film if they really wanted to go all out on it and yet they don't they just play the intro for series 8 with nothing or interesting added to it.

This film does get some credit for daring to do something that the TV show at least during series 8 wouldn't do. With that being show a storm hitting the island of Sodor as that's a key plot point in this film and the film rightfully treats it as something epic as we get to see how alot of the steam engines are effected by the havoc that the storm causes be it from the suspension bridge collapsing or the fact that alot of the trains temporary sheds are destroyed we get to see every little bit of destruction that the storm leaves in it's path and while it would have been nice to see how the diesel engines would have been effected as well as that would have given the engines more of a reason to work together outside of trying to get the airport finished so that they can take passengers places on the island which is a neat thing but if both sets of engines were effected by the storm it would have shown that despite all of there differences in both appearances and personalities the steam engines and the diesel engines really are the exact same at the heart of it all. 

While this film gets so few things right like bringing back both Lady and Diesel 10 there's one thing that the film gets drastically wrong. That being the fact that the film stops the action for a learning scene where the narrator in the most condescending way possible tries to tech kids these most basic of things alot of which won't even apply to the kids real life and all of which really aren't needed as all it does is make it feel like that the makers of the film were forced to add them by HIT Entertainment the franchise owners at the time as the makers of the film wouldn't want to disrupt the story for something that adds nothing to the plot of the film and while it really was nice to see Lady again again she doesn't really do all that much as all she does is appear to Thomas in a dream and convince to set up a meeting between the diesels and the steam engines and that's really it which just makes her appearance in this film really feels like that she was only there really to help to justify the calling all engines title and nothing really all the more then that which even then still doesn't make sense as alot of the shows engines aren't even in the film at all.

Now then this film really has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and one second. Which does make it one of the more shorter Thomas films with the shortest one thus far being Thomas And Friends: The Adventure Begins which clocks in at around forty five minuets long with this film not really having alot of plot there to really cover that large of running time which only makes the forced learning scenes all the more worse as they feel like the makers of the film were padding out the films running time instead of just creating a story that was more fitting to that running tie or just going with a shorter running time either option would have been preferable then what it was that we got in the final cut of the film as it's those scenes that really drag the film to a complete halt to which it never comes back from each and everytime that one of these scenes appears with this not really being helped by the fact that the film has some really bad pacing to it.

So now then as this is a comedy that means that I have to actually talk about the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad. As while the film does rather rightfully have alot of jokes that are very child friendly when the film does tell a good joke it is something that is worth pointing as while little little kids might find this film to be both charming and hilarious the grown ups watching the film might not and yet there's still a few good jokes in this film that both sets of people will find enjoyable and will get a laugh out of them with this film very sadly having alot more bad jokes then it does have good jokes in them but when you hear a good joke in this film you really will no all about it as it is something that really does standout in the sea of of really bad jokes that are in this film in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall while Thomas And The Magic Railroad will always be the worst Thomas film out there this film has to be a close second just because of the fact that it's boring and has pointless learning scenes that feel more like filler to pad out the films running time all of which combine to make the film very hard for any one kid or adult to sit through and watch all the way through in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that meas that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 4.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Thomas The Tank Engine fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get the images from these very episode that I used in this very review being the official Thomas The Tank Engine fandom wiki page really simply just due to the fact that really alot of the images that are on the official Thomas The Tank Engine fandom wiki page are all really fairly high in quality and as well as them all really being really fairly freaking high in definition.

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Lizzie McGuire: Rumors Review

Disney Channel was once home to many a great TV show with alot of those shows being very fondly remembered to this very day. With the show that i'm going to be talking about today being one such as an example as this show still has quite alot of fans and is even loved so much that people cheered when it was announced that it was coming back with new episodes only to be let down when the show was cancelled and so the join me as I review of the episode of the show that made Hilary Duff a household name with the episode is question being called simply just "Rumors" enjoy.

The plot of this episode when Lizzie accidentally starts a rumor about the most popular girl at school she has to work up the courage and stop one of her best friends for taking the blame for her. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode was in all honesty not that bad as it was the kind of plot that you'd expect to find on the Disney Channel but at the same time tho this really wasn't the strongest plot either which makes it all the more baffling that Disney really chose this episode to air as preview for the rest of the rest of the series instead really of the shows actual pilot episode as that episode is a really more fitting to start the show with with plot of this also being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this episode is  Hilary Duff as Lizzie McGuire , Lalaine as Miranda Sanchez and Adam Lamberg as David Gordon. Also starring in this episode is Jake Thomas as Matt McGuire , Hallie Todd as Jo McGuire , Robert Carradine as Sam McGuire Byron Fox as Danny Kessler , Davida Williams as Claire Miller , Taylor Gunnin as Head Cheerleader , Mitchah Williams as Kid , Britney Mitchell as A Dancer , Melissa Matthews as A Dancer , Tiffany Burton as A Dancer and  Ashlie Brillault as Kate Sanders.

Now then interms of what I personally thought  felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode was in all honesty really good. With all of this episodes cast turning in some really decent acting and not just the kind of acting that you'd really expect to find on a Disney Channel show where everybody shouts there lines and over acts as here the cast talk normally and act like normal people which makes the acting all the more and it really shouldn't be all that surprising that the acting in this episode is good as alot of the episodes cast went on to become some really good actors in there own right and as such it would make sense that they would turn in some really good performances in this episode with the acting in this episode really being helped by the fact that the script for this episode is just so good that all the episodes cast have to do is just say the lines as they are written and a good performance will come out of them really naturally.

This episode does a fairly decent job of setting up the bond that Lizzie with both her family and her friends. Both of which are things that this show would become known for and yet because there set up early on in the series run and are defined so well in this episode it makes them feel all the more believable then what it really could have been as alot of Disney Channel shows only give us the bare bones of what these families are like and what these friends are like and yet this show even in just this episode we see Lizzie struggle to be a good friend and we see the parents struggle to find there sons class pet which while that is goofy is also a good example of what good parents would do for there good kids and by showing Lizzie struggle to be a good friend it makes her feel like a more real person as real people do have daily struggles be it on big things or on big things we all struggle from time to time and to see Lizzie struggle and find away to over come that shows that she really is a good friend and one that will come through when it matters the most. 

Watching this episode was so weird as alot of it was like travelling back in time to the early 2000's as there's alot of things that were only popular in the early 2000's. Like instant messaging for example something which hasn't been a thing for about ten years is a key plot point in this show and even the computers that the girls use look massive compared to the technology that we have now and while none of this dates the episodes in a bad way it does date the episode as alot of kids these days won't even know what instant messaging even is heck kids today will barely know what Facebook is as that's how far we've come technology wise as alot of what we knew and loved as a kid will now seem outdated when compared to what the younger generation are growing up with and while this obviously isn't the fault of those involved with making this show or this episode it is something that doesn't make this episode as timeless as it once was as while kids will always deal with rumors in there school it now won't come from instant messaging as it will now come from say Discord or Reddit to name but for a few examples.

As was mentioned at the start of this review this episode was technically the shows first ever episode as this episode aired as a preview episode about a week or so before the what Disney says is the official first episode Picture Day. Both of these are false as the actual pilot episode for the show was episode "Pool Party" as that episode quite literally has a scene with the animated Lizzie introducing us to all of the shows cast of characters where as this episode just expects you to know these characters and what there relationships are like which makes this choice to air this episode first was never the first episode of the show and nor was it intended to be because if it was then they would edited out the audio for animated Lizzie at the start of the Pool Party episode and yet they didn't which goes to show that this episode isn't the first episode of the show and yet because it was aired first it also technically is the first episode of the show all at the exact same time.

As was typical of this show this episode doesn't spend alot of the time on the parents and the brother storyline. Which does make sense as there not the main characters of the show but at the same time they are still main characters as well and yet not only does this episode not spend alot of the episodes running tine on that plotline it also never resolves it we get a resolution to the Lizzie plotline which does make sense as that is the main plot of the episode but the plot line that is just as interesting as it could tech kids that sometimes the things that we love do infact die and seeing a main character deal with that would be interesting to see even if it is basically just a comedic plotline is more interesting then seeing someone trying to be a better friend and learn to stand up for herself which just isn't that interesting of a plot line all of which makes you wonder why they didn't make the parents and brother plotline the main plot as while yes there not the title characters it's there plot line that is something that Disney Channel really didn't cover all that much in there series episodes or in there Disney Channel Original Movies either as that is soemthing that they never really did cover at all and it something that would have this episode standout and be really ground breaking.

Noe then this episode has / had an exact grand total running tie of exactly twenty one minuets and forty one seconds. Which is a solid running time as none of the episodes plots have enough running time to cover a running time longer then that but at the same time even with that shorter running time it does make this episode a nice littler watch and while the episode could have benefited from having a slightly longer running time as it would allow the show time develop it's characters and both of it's story alot more then what it already does given that this is a TV show they don't really need nor even have to develop all that well as the show has sixty plus episodes and in this case a feature length theatrically released movie to develop the characters and the relationships alot more then what they could have done in this one episode and if the episode did have a longer time then both the main plot and the subplot would be stretched even more thin then what they already are but I will admit that this episode really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

Son now then as this is a comedy that means that I have to actually talk about the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode well then in all honesty In in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual comedy that's actually featured / presented to us in this very episode was in all honesty not that bad. As Disney Channel shows from this time period weren't really known for there comedy and yet this episode does have alot of jokes that while dated do feel very character driven and are whilst not alot of this episodes jokes are laugh loud funny alot of them are cute jokes that are highly realistic as alot of this episodes jokes are jokes that kids would mist likely be saying to there friends or to there family members in real life and it's that kind of comedy that this show does so well as there jokes that do feel real and aren't as over the top as alot of the jokes are in say The Suit Life On Deck or The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody for example are in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall while this isn't the strongest episode to start this show of with it is still a really good episode as it gives you a good example of how really good this show show could have been and was like when it was at it's best as alot of what really made the show as good as it was in the first place it all stems from this episode in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very episode in this very episode in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very episode really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 6.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Disney fandom wiki page , the official Lizzy Mcguire fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get the images from this very episode that I used in this very review being the really great Google Images simply just due to the fact that really alot of if not really all of the images that are all really from this episode and are really of course on Google Images are all really high in quality and as well as them all being really fairly freaking high in definition.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

My SPOILER FILLED First Impressions Of The X-Men '97 TV Series

To say that the classic X-Men animated is one if not the best X-Men adaptation of all time would be a huge understatement. Heck the show itself really is still so popular that people talk about and are showing it to there kids and well now the long awaited sequel series has finally debuted it's first two episodes on Disney+ well you all just knew that I had to check this shown the very first chance that I got and so then join me as In review the first two episodes of a show that brings back alot of classic things from X-Men: The Animated Series with the show in question being called simply just "X-Men '97" enjoy.

The plot of the first episode is when Sentinel tech is found in the hands of a terrorist group the X-Men have to find out who the source is that is selling them the tech and stop it once and for all where as the plot of the second episode is when Magneto is brought to court for his past crimes the X-Men have to protect hi when someone tries to kill him. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plots that are actually featured / presented to us in these very episode well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plots that are actually featured / presented to us in these first two episodes was in all honesty not that bad with the first episodes plot defiantly being the stronger plot of the two as while the plot for episode two is indeed a good plot it's not the strongest plot that the show has had where as the plot of episode one was one of the more stronger plots of both series with both plots being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in these episodes are Ray Chase as Scott Summers / Cyclops and Cal Dodd as James Howlett / Wolverine. Also starring in these episodes are Lenore Zann as Anna-Marie Raven / Rogue , Alison Sealy-Smith as Ororo Munroe / Storm , George Buza as Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy / Beast , A.J. LoCascio as Remy LeBeau / Gambit , Holly Chou as Jubilation Lee / Jubilee , Jennifer Hale as Jean Grey , Matthew Waterson as Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto , Gui Agustini as Roberto Da Costa / Sunspot , J.P. Karliak as Kevin Sydney / Morph , Isaac Robinson-Smith as Lucas Bishop / Bishop Gavin Hammon as Bolivar Trask , Eric Bauza as Mastermind , Sentinels and A News Anchor and Lawrence Bayne as Lawrence Baynen and Carl Denti.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in these first two episodes well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in these first two episodes was in all honesty alot better then what it really had right to be. As while yes alot of the original series cast members do indeed return for these new episodes alot of them haven't been playing these characters for decades and as a result it would have been understandable if they didn't turn in that good of a performance in these first two episodes but nope all of the cast members in both of these first episodes really do hit it out of the park with the old actors sounding like that they just finished there playing there characters just yesterday and the replacement actors do such a good job of sounding like the original voice actors with the acting in these first two episodes well being helped by the fact that the script for both of these first two episodes being so good that all the cast have to do is just say the lines as they are written and a good performance will come out them naturally.

Doing the animation for these episodes and the rest of the series is the legends and the greats that are currently over at Studio Mir. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual animation that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual animation that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes was in all honesty really good and was easily better then the animation that was in the original show which is not a knock against the original show at all it's just that the original shown really didn't have that good animation to it and yet here it's like they took what they did with the animation in the original series and just updated it and made it better and unlike the original show this show actually doesn't feature any animation errors with the show taking on what could best be described as an anime inspired look with it not really being all that surprising that the animation in these first two episodes was good as it's being done by Studio Mir who really only produce very high quality animation.


One of the things that was Kevin Feige wanted when being convince to make this show was the rights to use the theme song. Well could job because they use the theme song once again for this show but on top of that is the fact that gave us a pretty much shot for shot recreation of the shows original intro all of which go a really long way to make this show feeling like the start of season six of the original show and not that start of a brand new show as they didn't have to use the original intro that was a nice touch and it's one that fans of X-Men: The Animated Series are going to pick up on and while the new version of the theme song does lack the epic sounding bell sound at the end of the intro it does still contain that epic guitar solo with the intro even adding in spots for both Morph and Bishop and heck they even bring back the original shows ending which again was something that they didn't have to do and yet they went ahead and did it anyway which just proves that this show was made by the fans for the fans of the original X-Men: The Animated Series TV show.

While this show does have alot of really good things going for it there are some issues to be found in both of the episodes tho like the fact that they do Storm dirty as by the end of episode they strip her of her god like powers and have her leave the team. While this might be an adaptation of a comic book storyline which wouldn't be all that surprising as the original show was known for adapting comic book storylines as the same time tho they have it come out of nowhere and not even play a part in the plot of the episode and the other thing that I really didn't like about the first two episodes is the fact that they killed of Charles Xavier off screen when a character that's this important to not only the characters but to the show as a whole he is a character that should have been killed on screen as that is the kind of death that a character like this one should get and by doing that we would get the chance to see how his death effects all of the X-Men instead of just seeing how it effects Scott which just isn't all that interesting at least not compared to when you have the opportunity to show us how the whole team would react to the death of Charles Xavier tho. 

For some reason it seems like this show is trying to redeem Magneto which just doesn't work as he's a stone cold villain. Yes he has teamed up with the X-Men before in both the movies and in animation and so having him team up with the X-Men here in this cartoon isn't out of character for his character but it just comes out of nowhere as something that's this big should be built up as it is something that really change the status quo as we know the X-Men to be and while having he team up with the X-Men isn't a bad idea what is a bad idea is trying to redeem him as he is a character that shouldn't be redeemed as he's tried to take over the world countless times in the original show something which they do bring up and while he did it for the right reasons it's how he went about it that makes him the bad guy and will always make him the bad guy but with that being said tho it is interesting seeing how this version of the character acts when he's trying to do good and it's fun and interesting to see the rest of the X-Men come to terms with this change and learn to try and trust him as there essential leader.

Now then episode one for this show has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly thirty minuets ad thirty seconds with episode two having a grand total running time of exactly thirty minuets and thirty nine seconds. Which this new thirty minuet running time pretty much being the bogstanderd running for this new show and to this shows credit both of the episodes really do have alot of running time there to really cover there respective amount of running time and while episode two has the weaker of the two plots it's also the one that really does make the best use of it's running as it really delves into how Magneto has been dealing with the death of Charles Xavier and how he's been doing good not because it's the right thing to do but because that's his own personal way of honoring his late friend but at the same time tho it's episode one that really had the more fitting running time as while the subplot with Roberto Da Costa goes nowhere with the character really being dropped just a few minuets after really setting him up which makes him really feel alot like a really useless character but episode does use alot of the it's main cast really well during it's running time tho with both episodes having some really good pacing to them both tho.

So now then as this an action show that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in these very episodes was in all honesty really good. Which is something that's not all that new as the original show had some really good action in it as well with episode one having the best action out of the two episodes as while the action in the episode two was indeed really good the action that we got given to us in episode one was also more fun to watch on top of it being really creative and while the action in episode two did a really good job of advancing Magneto's character arc of that episode it didn't really show of the main team all that well where as in episode one it's the opposite that's true as we get to really see each and every member of the team in that episodes final fight sequence and that really that makes the action at the end of that episode alot fun and cool to watch in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.


Overall if these first two episodes are anything to go by then we finally another good if not great X-Men animated show to look forward each and every week but that is something that only time will tell but so far we are off to a really good start with this show feeling like it was a show that really was made for the fans and by the fans of the original X-Men: The Animated Series as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. ow then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in these very episodes in this very post as this is only my first impressions I won't give this show a rating as any show really can have a good or bad first few episodes but if this post does well then I really will look into covering more episodes of this show as a review tho.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very post well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very post from the official Disney fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get the images from these very episodes that I used in this very review being the great the official Disney fandom wiki page simply just due to the fact that really alot of if not really all of the images that are all really from these very episodes and are really of course on the official Disney fandom wiki page are really all fairly high in quality and as well as them all being really fairly freaking high in definition.