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Sunday, 28 June 2020

My First Impressions Of My Little Pony: Pony Life

Well then here is something that I wasn't expecting to be doing for a little while but imagine my surprise when I was checking the internet a few hours ago and I found two full episodes of My Little Pony: Pony Life. I was honestly not expecting to see any episodes of this show until at least September but apparently the show has been airing on Treehouse TV and those two episodes found there way online and so here are my first impressions of "My Little Pony: Pony Life" enjoy guys and girls.

From what I can gather this show is taking the same approach as Teen Titans Go! and by that I mean it has no real plot and just follows the main characters in a slice of life type of show. This really isn't a bad direction for the franchise since we've just had nine seasons of a show that had alot of plot and so to see one that's seems to be light on plot is oddly refreshing to see and one that while it was shocking at first it was also something that I got used to pretty quickly.

All of the actors are reprising their roles from Friendship Is Magic which again made this show feel like Teen Titans Go to me since they did the exact same thing. From what I can tell just based of these first two episodes the acting does seem to be pretty good but i'd need to see more episodes to fully judge it and i'll get into why soon but yeah just based of these two episodes the acting in the series seems to be pretty good.

The reason why I can't fully judge the acting is because each eleven minuets episode is split into two five minuet segments which doesn't really leave alot of time to fully judge the acting since your focused on things like the plot and humour. This is something that I can see effecting the rest of the show as well but only time will tell if it does effect the rest of the show or not and because the show is cut down alot it does mean that the actors don't get the chance to leave an impression on you.

The animation for this series is being done by Boulder Media who did the animation for the first season of The Amazing World of Gumball and the reboot of Danger Mouse. If your a fan of Gumball then chances are your going to like the animation in this series since like I said it's by the same studio and while the animation does indeed look good I personally prefer the animation in Friendship Is Magic just because it looked more like a fantasy show then this one does.

One of the things that I don't really like about this series is the backgrounds more specifically the backgrounds in Ponyville. Simply because those backgrounds just look unfinished and uninspired and since this is meant to be set in the same continuity as Friendship is Magic which had good looking backgrounds for this show to use those locations and give them terrible backgrounds just doesn't work well at all.

Now I keep on mentioning Teen Titans Go and that's because Pony Life honestly reminds me so much of that show. Even down to redesigning the characters and giving them more chibi / cutesy designs which I honestly didn't mind yes the new designs will take some getting used to but once you get used to designs hopefully you guys will like them but if not then that's cool as well but for me these new designs look good.

I really cannot say if all of the characters are acting in character here since like I said there's only two episodes released. From what I have seen tho they do seem to be acting in character but only time will tell if that remains true or not I hope it is because if not then I can see this show getting alot of hate from both Pony and non Pony fans alike but if they do then I can see a little less hate coming this shows way.

There is some connective tissue between episodes one and two which is something that I really wasn't expecting from this show whatsoever but it's something that i'm glad was there. Just because I like it when shows continue a plot line started in another episode i'm not going to say what it is but if you've seen the episodes then you'll know what it is and I hope that they keep bringing this plot line back just because it has potential to be really funny.

This is a harmless show and isn't as bad as say Thundercats Roar can be but at the same time given the new direction of the show I can see people going into the show assuming the worst.Which I personally don't think you should do just because if you do that then your going to be looking for things to hate about the show so i'd suggest going into this show with an open mind and be willing to give this show a fair chance.

Like both Teen Titans Go and Thundercats Roar this show seems to have a focus on comedy and that does mean that I have to talk about the jokes in these two episodes. Which without giving anything away I didn't like that much just because they go for the really obvious joke alot of the time which just isn't funny but then again what I didn't find funny you guys might fund to be funny as hell so take that whatever way you want.

Overall so far this show is just OK which I guess works to it's advantage since alot of shows that take the same approach as this one turn out pretty bad. However at the same time this is coming of a show that alot of people myself included loved and so to see a huge decline in quality is going to come as a bit of a shock to people but I will say that if your interested then check out in but if not your not missing out on anything special and since this show has only just started i'm not going to give this show a rating since it could get better or worse as the show goes on and there might be a review coming I just don't know when that will be. 

All images used in this post where gathered from both the My Little Pony fandom wiki page and the Teen Titans Go fandom page if you you want really high quality images I recommend either one of these pages. I would try and make a joke about using these fandom pages to get the images but I honestly cannot think of any and so im sorry but your getting the slandered message saying where they come from instead of one that's fun and hopefully funny.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

X-Men: The Animated Series "Night Of The Sentinels Parts 1 And 2" Review

X-Men fans as some of you may know i've just reviewed the very first X-Men movie and well I thought that i'd keep this X train rolling only with something that has a kicka*s theme song. I make it no secret that I think that in terms of animation the nineties was the best era for comic book TV shows just think of the shows that we had we had "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" , "Batman: The Animated Series" "Superman: The Animated Series" and the show whose first two episodes i'm taking a look at today"X-Men: The Animated Series" and so here is my review of the first two episodes "Night Of The Sentinels Parts 1 And 2" enjoy.

The plot of these two episodes is new mutant named Jubilee finds her world is turned upside down when she finds out she's a mutant and her foster parents turn her over for Mutant Registration scared and alone she runs head first into the world of the X-Men. I'm not going to lie plot wise this two parter pretty freaking solid and i'm glad that it was a two part story because there is no way in hell you could have told a story like this in one episode hell they could barely do it in a two and a half hour movie that's how epic this story is in my opinion.

Starring in these episodes are Cedric Smith as Professor Charles Xavier/Professor X and Norm Spencer as Scott Summers/Cyclops. Also starring in the episodes are Cal Dodd as Logan/Wolverine and Pool Thug , Iona Morris as Ororo Munroe/Storm , Catherine Disher as Jean Grey , George Buza as Hank McCoy/Beast , Lenore Zann as Rogue , Chris Potter as Remy LeBeau/Gambit , Alyson Court as Jubilation Lee/Jubilee , Ron Rubin as Morph , Len Carlson as Robert Kelly and Jubilee's Foster Father , David Fox as The Sentinels and Brett Halsey as Bolivar Trask.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in these two episodes if i'm being really honest it wasn't that good. That doesn't mean it was bad because it wasn't but at the same time it's not as good as it perhaps could have been which is slightly understandable since these episode were the first two produced I believe and so it makes sense that the acting isn't that good since the actors are still getting used to each other but if I recall the acting does get better in later episodes.

Doing the animation for not only this two parter but for the rest of the series is Akom who mainly did animation for Animaniacs and Arthur. Now I want it known that i'm not going to mention the fact that there are alot of animation errors or that Akom turned in alot of the animation very late because honestly that wouldn't effect the overall quality of the animation in my which I feel is really high yes there are a lot of animation errors in the first episode but there not as bad as the one's seen in the 2016 Powerpuff Girls reboot and there are alot of really fluid movements in these two episodes as well it's so in my opinion the animation is really solid.

Without this show being as good as it was and these two episodes being as good as they are I don't feel that we wouldn't have got the first X-Men movie. Simply because Marvel wasn't in a good place when this show first started out and so they wouldn't have been able to convince any studio small or large to make a movie based on these characters but because the show was a success and these two episodes are really good it would only have been a matter of time before we saw a live action film version of the characters.

I'm just going to come right out and say it Morph was the most pointless character in this two parter his only goal in these two episodes is to die and that's it. He's just there so the team can find out how dangerous there current mission is and that doesn't make the character good , interesting or funny it just makes him pointless hell you could cut this character out of the show and nothing would be lost whatsoever that's how pointless he is.

Things do get a little bit better with the character of Jubilee as played by Alyson Court since this character isn't annoying as hell. True she doesn't add anything to the plot other then being someone for the X-Men to rescue but she's at least pleasant to watch which trust me is more then what I can say Morph who made me want to turn the episodes of every single time he was on screen with his annoying as hell laugh.

Out of the main X-Men there are perhaps two women that I think every guy and some girls had a crush on growing up those being Rogue and Storm and yeah it's not hard to see why. Since both characters kick a*s in these two episodes and they both looking stunning as hell both in and out of there costumes I honestly wouldn't have minded if these two episode were just about these two characters because I loved seeing them fighting giant robots on screen.

Another thing that I didn't like about these two episodes and it's the same thing that i didn't like about the first movie. It's that not alot of the team is given a chance to shine whereas in the movie you can't really forgive them for that because they had a longer running time you can forgive them here since combined they would have had at least forty five minuets which just isn't enough to give all of the characters a chance to introduce themselves and a reason as to why we should care about them but that's what the other episodes are for.

Now then boys and girls since this is an action show that does mean that we have to talk about the action that's in the show itself. Which for a nineties kids animated TV show it was honestly really good you get to see alot of the team use there powers which in my opinion is always a good thing and you get to see some really cool looking action scenes because of the fact that you get to see alot of the team using there powers.

Overall these honestly were a really good pair of episodes and our a great way to start of this great show. That being said however these two episode do have alot of issues in them and these issues were for me at least hard to ignore it doesn't make the episodes any less enjoyable but they are very noticeable in my opinion as such combined these episodes get an 8.5 out of 10 from me and if you guys want to review more episodes from this show let me know.

All images gathered for this review were gathered from either the Marvel Animated Universe fandom page or Google Images so if you want good high quality images check out either of those if you don't have all the Infinity Stones here and I will snap you our of existence. 


Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour Review

Doctor Who fans there have been alot of people who have payed The Doctor both in terms of canon and those that aren't considered canon. So since my last Doctor Who themed post dealt with a Doctor that wasn't canon I thought that i'd deal with an episode featuring a Doctor that is canon and well since i'm only reviewing things that I own right now that really did leave me with a very small amount of choices and so here is my review of the first episode of series 5 of the modern era "The Eleventh Hour" geronimo!!! Doctor Who fans. 

The plot of the episode is a newly regenerated Doctor has just twenty minuets to save the earth before it's melted. I have to admit that the story for this episode was rather enjoyable it did a good job of mixing the seriousness of the earth being under threat with some slapstick moments as well some cool moments near the end of the episode , the episode also did a good job of handling the idea that the Doctor is an alien with the character at a few points in the story acting rather quirky something which hasn't been seen in alot of modern Doctor Who.

Being introduced in this episode is Matt Smith as The Doctor , Karen Gillan as Amy Pong , Caitlin Blackwood as Amelia aka young Amy Pond and Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams. Also starring in the episode are Nina Wadia as Dr Ramsden , Marcello Magni as Barney Collins , Annette Crosbie as Mrs Angelo , Tom Hopper as Jeff , Arthur Cox as Mr Henderson , Olivia Colman as Mother , David de Keyser as the voice of the Atraxi , William Wilde as the voice of Prisoner Zero and Patrick Moore as Himself.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in the episode it honesty wasn't that bad since like I said alot of the actors in this episode are playing these roles for the first time and so you would have forgiven them if they didn't give that good of a performance in this episode but no they knocked out of the park. As did alot of the guest actors with alot of them getting some really funny lines of dialog and like the main cast are really likeable as well.

Doing the CGI for the film is the ever trustworthy The Mill who have done all of the CGI for the show since 2005. So i'm glad to say that the CGI in this episode is actually really good with the episode making use of some nice looking green screen effects which given that this episode aired in 2010 i'm surprised that the green screen effects hold up as well as they do. Even the fully CGI aliens like Prisoner Zero and The Atraxi still look really good.

What really did shock me when doing some research for this review is that the company that did some of the effects for films such as Avengers: Infinity War , Avengers: Endgame and some of the Harry Potter films Framestore did the new title sequence. I honestly didn't know this but it's something that shocked me because i'm a fan of there work having love all of the effects for alot of the films that they work on and so to find out that they worked on a British institution like Doctor Who is to me a goof thing since they do produce good looking effects.

New production team means that we get a new TARDIS control room design and I have to say that I really like the look of this new TARDIS. I'm not going to say that it's the best looking one because honestly if you ask any Doctor Who fan that question you'll get a ton of different answers but I will say that this one suits the Doctors mad man in a box type of personality with the design looking very alien and strange.

Something which I think both works for and against the episode is the fact that it picks up metre moments after The End Of Time ends. It works to it's advantage because that episode had alot of people watching it and so of course there going to see the first episode with a new Doctor. However this is where it works to it's disadvantage because this episode could have been used as a way to draw in new fans since it's a new era of the show but by starting the episode right after the previous one means that newer fans are going to have homework to and no one wants to watch several previous episodes just to understand one scene.

Another thing that I personally don't like about the episode s the fact that it's an hour long and the reason why I don't like it is because there's not enough story to cover that running time. If anything the episode should have been forty five to fifty minuets adding in that extra time means things that would normally be explained in one scene now take several scenes because they need to fill up the run time which should never be the case the running time should always be decided by how much story there is and not the over way around.

What I wished that the episode spent a little bit more time on is the history that Amy and The Doctor shared since was honestly a really interesting thin to see play out and it even led to few really good jokes. However tho that aspect of the story seemed to get dropped pretty quickly which is a shame because I was honestly enjoying seeing it play out but I understand that this is basically a kids show and kids aren't going to like that story so while I liked it I fully get why they didn't go that much into the story.

Another thing that I wished that the episode spent a little bit more time on is the villain which they really could have done given it's just over an hour long. The fact that they didn't fully develop Prisoner Zero to me makes the character one of the more weaker villains that the modern ear of Doctor Who has ever produced since we don;t get to find out why he or she is a villain and while there was a line written and i;m guessing filmed saying Prisoner Zero had impersonated an army and invaded a planet it was cut for some reason.

Overall this was a rather fun episode to revisit and is honestly an episode that I would recommend to people wanting to get into Doctor Who since it is a new era for the show. Steven Moffat said in the commentary for this episode that he wanted the show to feel both new and old at the same time and in my opinion he did achieve that since there are elements that old Doctor Who fans will like and there are stuff to entice new fans but with all of that being said the episode does have some issues which i've covered in this review as such the episode gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

We Bare Bears: The Movie Review

Cartoon fans Cartoon Network is back with another movie only this time they kind of didn't mean to be back so soon. I'll fully admit to not having watched an episode of the show in a long while and so I wasn't aware that there was even a movie coming out let alone a spin off in the works but after seeing the movie i'm kind of excited to see where the show goes from here and what the spin off show even becomes and so here is my review "We Bare Bears: The Movie" animation fans enjoy.

The plot of the film the bears find themselves kicked out of there home town after the residents grow tired of there antics as well as being chased by Agent Trout a nature preservationist who wants to split the brothers up. I'm going to try and keep this as spoiler free as possible but I will say that I thought the story was honestly really good but at the same time it was the kind of story you'd expect to find in a special episode of the show and not a movie.

Starring in the movie is Eric Edelstein as Grizz , Bobby Moynihan as Panda and Demetri Martin as Ice Bear. Also starring in the film is Marc Evan Jackson as Agent Trout , Keith Ferguson as Officer Murphy , Jason Lee as Charlie , Patton Oswalt as Nom Nom , Charlyne Yi as Chloe Park , Mel Rodriguez as Darrell Saragosa , Cameron Esposito as Ranger Dana Tabes , Ellie Kemper as Lucy and Sarah Sobole as Angry Kitty.

The acting in the film I felt was for a TV movie really good but at the same time I felt that it could have been alot better. The acting from the three brothers was really good with all three of them turning in really funny performances as for the rest of the actors they were fine but I felt that they weren't given enough to work with and so even tho they do the best they can they could have done alot better if the script gave them more to work with.

Now for the life of me I cannot find who's doing animation for the film but I have to assume it's the same studio that's doing the animation for the show. Sadly tho the animation is another negative for me because it looks like something you'd see in a TV show and not something that fits a movie and while many would see that as a good thing because the movie looks like the show to me its a bad thing because visually there needs to be an upgrade between the show and the movie and sadly here there isn't one.

Now this film was due to air on Cartoon Network on June 8th of this year but for some reason Cartoon Network delayed the release of the film. However online streaming services such as Amazon and Itunes and Google Play leaked the film on the day that it was due to be released and so I have to thank those services for bringing us this movie when it was originally meant to be seen but I have a feeling that Cartoon Network won't be using them when  they officially release the film on demand on June 30th of this year or ever again for that matter.

Now then i'm not going to say what but if you've seen a movie adaptation of a show about a group of friends or family and it gets turned into a movie then what you think happens happens. Which I personally hated because it was so predictable and it comes right when you think it's going to happen as well it makes me wonder why a show this creative has to resort to such a cliche thing for it's first movie it's beyond cliche at this point what it is they do.

Let's talk about the villain of the film Agent Trout as played by Marc Evan Jackson in my opinion he is both very entertaining and yet very underdeveloped as a character. I honestly do feel that they could have done a better job with this character since we don't get to find out anything about this character at all he's just evil for the sake of being evil which isn't good enough and it doesn't give us a reason to hate the character.

This film is an hour and nine minuets long and that oddly feels about right for this franchise since there's not alot of story and so they don't need to stretch it to be an hour and a half long. That being said tho if they did have a slightly longer running time then they should use it to fix the issues that I had with the main villain of the film since it would make him more of a threat and not just someone for our heroes to overcome.

This is a comedy film and so that does mean that we have to talk about the jokes that are in the film itself. I honestly feel that the jokes are the best thing about this movie simply because this film had me laughing so much I cannot count the amount of times that one of the bears had me laughing because it happened that often that's how good the jokes are in this film and yes alot of them are aimed at little kids but that oddly made them more funny to me.

Overall while I cannot say that this is better then Steven Universe: The Movie I can say that I did have a good time watching this film. I honestly hope that Cartoon Network still air this film because given everything that's going on in the world right now this little distraction is what we need and when it comes out I hope alot of you watch it because it's worth watching just for the jokes in my opinion but it does have alot of flaws and so it gets a 5.5 out of 10 from me.


Saturday, 6 June 2020

Batman: The Cat And The Claw Parts One And Two Review

Batman fans I thought that i'd do something that I do see many people doing and that's talk about episodes of the classic Batman animated series. I want you al to know that i'm covering this two part episode first because the first part was the first episode to be aired while the for some reason despite having a to be continued sign at the end of the episode part two aired as episode eight and so here is my review of "The Cat And The Claw" enjoy.

The plot of this two part episode is Batman meets a new theif by the name of Catwoman however he soon finds out that there's another new villain in twon going by the name of Red Claw who plan to unleash a plague upon Gotham. Plot wise I can see why this was a two part episode since there's so much story that to do it in just twenty two minuets wouldn't do it any kind of justice whatsoever and I do feel that the story being told here was honestly a really good story in my opinion.

Starring in the episodes are Kevin Conroy as Bruce Wayne/Batman and Bob Hastings as Commissioner Gordon. Also starring in the episodes are Adrienne Barbeau as Catwoman / Selina Kyle , Herb Edelman as Mr. Stern , Orange Is The New Black star Kate Mulgrew as Red Claw , Mary McDonald Lewis as Maven ,  Efrem Zimbalist Jr. as Alfred Pennyworth and voice acting legend Frank Welker as catwomans cat Isis.

Yeah there's nothing that I can say about the acting that also isn't true for the acting in the rest of series since the acting in these episodes are so good. I don't think that it needs saying but Kevin Conroy simply IS the voice of Batman everyobe else can have what ever live actgion Batman they want but none of them can hold a candle to Kevin Conroy and the rest of the cast do such a good job in this episode as well.

Now from what I can work out every episode of the show had a different animation studio doing the animation and so doing the animatio for the first part of this two part episode is Sunrise with the second half having animation being done by Akom. Yeah i don't know why they chose to have two different studios working on this two parter since it must be cheaper just to hire one studio to do the animation for the episodes.

However with that being said tho the anomation on both episodes is honestly really freaking and while there is a slight dip in quality in episode two that is honestly to be expected in any animated series. With that being said the overall quality of the animation is really good with the characters having some nice fluid movements to rhem as well as the explosions looking good but perhaps the best part of the animation for me at least is the backgrounds which are simply stunning to look at.

As you might have worked out by now this two part episode featured the debut of Catwoman and honestly I loved her in this episode. Everything from her voice which was done by former sream queen Adrienne Barbeau to her design just works so well for the character there's honestly not a songle aspect of this verion of the character that I didn't enjoy because of the fact that it all came together so perfectly.

I might sound like i'm praising the hell out of this episode and alot of that is due to the fact that it really is a good two parter. However there are a few things that I didn't like the first of which bveing the fact that there's no mystery for Batman to solve whuch is something that you really do need for Batman since he's meant to be the world's greatest detective but for some reason this two part episode chose not to have one.

The other thing that I didn't like about this two parter is the villain Red Claw as played by Kate Mulgrew. I personally didn't find the villain to be all that interesting or even entertaining both of which a villain needs to be to me she was just there which is a shme because her design is really cool and as I said before she is really well acted it's just a shame that she's not that well written in my opinion and as such she's not that memorable either.

Since this is an action show boys and girls it only makes sense that we now talk about rhe action in these episodes. I honestly feel that the action that we have in these two episodes is honestly really good it does a good job of not only advancing the overall story but also making the action seem exciting which is something that not alot of action shows some focus on just being exicting while others focus on advancing the story while very few do both.

Overall these were a really good pair of episodes but honestly what did I expect when the show it's coming from is really freaking good. Yes there are a few things that I didn't like about the episode some are easier to deal with then others but they are still things that need to be taken into account as such I give these episodes an overall score of 8.5 out of 10 and if you want me to cover more episodes from this iconic show then please let me know and i'll look into it.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Hellboy: Sword Of Storms Review

Hellboy fans alot of will know that the character has starred in a bunch of movies and video games as well as originally being a comic book character. However what many of you will not know is that there are some animated movies out there and well I thought that i'll take a look at the first one since it's the only one that I actually own and so then Hellboy fans here is my review of the first animated movie "Hellboy: Sword Of Storms" enjoy.

The plot of the movie is Hellboy finds himself transported to feudal Japan when investigating a case involving a missing sword and possesed professor and so Hellboy has to find a way back home before to evil gods destroy the world. In terms of what I thought of the plot it's was honestly really fun and it was something that I would have liked to have seen done in any of the movies that being said the plot does feel a bit rushed and bit formulaic at times.

Reprising their roles from the live action films are Ron Perlman as Hellboy , Selma Blair as Liz Sherman and Doug Jones as Abe Sapien. Jojning them for this film are Peri Gilpin as Professor Kate Corrigan , Dee Bradley Baker as Lightning , Kappa and a Pilot , Phil LaMarr as Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense Member and a Pilot , Mitchell Whitfield as Russell Thorn and Gwendoline Yeo as Kitsune.

In terms of what I the acting it was honestly really good which is something that I honestly wasn't expecting from a direct to DVD movie. Of course Ron Perlman is perfect as Hellboy I honestly think that he's the only one who can play the character at this point and while Doug Jones didn't play Abe in the first movie he did do the voice for the character on set so yeah he was reprising the role here and he killed it as did Selma Blair.

Doing the animation for the film is Film Roman who as far as I can tell are mistly known for there work on 1980's Garfiekld And Friends. As for what I thought about the animation it was honestly pretty decent again this is a direct to DVD movie so you can't expect the animation to be on the same level as say Disney and so what i'm assuming little budget that they had to work with the animation team did a good job.

However there is one creative choice that I take issue with and that's the fact that they give all of the human characters huge pupils. That choice makes all of the human characters look creepy as hell which for the villains works fine but it doesn't work for the good guys and so I have to wonder why did they choose to give the human character huge pupils since it's very off putting and doesn't work well withy the design of the human characters.

I have to wonder if Hellboy creator Mike Mignola came up with the designs for the creatures present in the film. Since there are some freaking cool looking creatures in this film like the fact that as you can see in the above picture there's a woman who's top half is human and her bottom half is that of a spider that in my opinion is just so cool , don't get me wrong there are a few lame looking villains like the headless people don't look that good but the vast majority of thye creatres that we see look so freaking awesome.

Now if your like me and you own this film on DVD then you'll know that it comes with a free comic book Hellboy: Phantom Limbs. I have no idea why those involved with either the making of the film or it's distribution chose to do this but I have to wonder why I mean it's not a bad idea but who honestly is going to by a DVD for a comic book it's pointless but at the same time it could also be a good way to get people who don't read comics into them espically if they like this film since it uses the same designs and is set in the sake world as the movie.

This film is an hour and seventeen minuets long and if i'm being honest it really should have been a but longer then that. Simply because the amount of story that they have in this film could very easily have filled up an hour and a half maybe an hour and forty minuet movie but for some reason they chose to make it just under and hour and twenty minuets and because of that scenes and plot points in the movie that would have worked if in a longer movie here feel rushed because the movie has to hit all of these plot points.

Now then since this is an action film that does mean that we have to talk about the action that's in the film itself. Which I feel was honestly really good and was easily the best part of the movie which is honestly saying something since when this film wants to it can be really fun and alot of this fun scenes do come in the action sequences which is every bit as awesome and as cool as you'd want them to be in my opinion.

Overall this was honestly I really good film and it's one that i'm glad that I own it's just a shame that the film is far to short. The fact that the film is to short is for me a big issues as is the fact that the human characters have really large and really off putting pupils but at the same time this movie can be really fun espically when it comes to it's action sequences as such this film gets a 6.5 out of 10 from me and if you guys givbe this review enough love i'll look into doing the sequel Blood And Iron as well as the live action films i'll make a few days of reviews out of it. 



Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Game Of Thrones "Dragonstone" Review

Game Of Thrones fans it would be easy for me to talk about one of the earlier seasons of the show and even easier for me to talk about the final season of the show. However I thought i'd talk about an episode from the seventh season of the show simply because I don't see people talking about this season at all which I don't really get since in my opinion this is a very underrated season and so here is my review of the season 7 premiere "Dragonstone" enjoy Game Of Thrones and TV show fans.

The plot of the episode is Jon and Sansa have a slight falling , Arya is proceeding south to kill the queen when she meets some soldiers who might change her mind and after seven long years Daenerys finally returns home. I know that this summery is pretty bad but in my defence reviewing a single episode of a show is always hard especially one where the story goes back several years , as for what I thought about this story it was really good and it did keep me invested all throughout the episode as any good story should do. 

Starring in this episode is Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister. Also starring in the episode is Lena Headey as Queen Cersei Lannister , Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen , Kit Harington as Jon Snow , Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark , Maisie Williams as Arya Stark , in his final appearance in the show the great David Bradley as Walder Frey , Bella Ramsey as Lady Lyanna Mormont , Jim Broadbent as Archmaester Ebrose and I wish I was making this up Ed Sheeran as Eddie.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in the episode I thought that it was honestly really good which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone at this point. Since the show is known for having great acting even in seasons that aren't that good and episodes that aren't that good the acting in them is always top notch which as i've said is the same thing here every actor including Ed Sheeran deliver a great performance in my opinion.

Now incase your wondering how I knew that the character that Ed Sheeran play's is called Eddie it's because I checked it on the official fandom page for this episode which does have him listed as being called Eddie. It's honestly a pretty weird cameo as well because unlike all of the other musician cameos that they've had on the show they put alot of focus into making sure that you know it's Ed Sheeran which to me at least takes you out of the show and out the story it's not a bad cameo but they didn't need to make sure that you knew who it was.

As mentioned this is the last episode to feature David Bradley as Walder Frey and what i liked about his death is that it actually ties back into Arya's story. Which was honestly something that the writers of this episode David Benioff & D.B. Weiss didn't have to do at all it was a nice little touch that reminds us that Arya is not only still out for revenge but also remembers everything that happened that night and will stop at nothing to make sure that those who committed the crime will pay for it with there very lives.

Speaking of Arya outside of a few scenes she's not in this episode that much which I don't really get why they did that. Since they could have spent alot of time letting us know what she was going to be up to this season or developing her character a little bit more but no they only have her in I think it was two scenes while one of them does add to her story the other one i'm not kidding is only there so that Maisie Williams could meet one of her favourite singers.

I kind of liked what they did with Cersei in this episode since they took the time to show a more strategic side to the character. This was honestly something that they didn't have to do but it's something that i'm glad was added into the episode since it makes her seem more in control of the situation my issue is that this kind of development has come a little to late in the game and so to throw it in here just seems like they had nothing for the character to do for the next two seasons.

This episode is just under an hour long I think the final running time for the episode is fifty eight minuets or something like that. Which to me feels about right since all this episode is is setting up things for the current season and the following season but at the same time there are characters like Jon and Arya who suffer because the episode is busy setting things up that it's not giving them anything to do in this episode.

I freaking loved the ending of this episode and i'm not just saying that because i'm a fan of Daenerys i;m saying it because it's such a great way to end the episode. All it is is a series of shots Daenerys and her crew walking through the now abandoned Dragonstone until they finally reach the throne room where Daenerys walks up the steps turns around and simply says "Shall We Begin?" that right there is such a good way to end the episode it's great visual story telling since there's no dialog at all until the very end of that sequence.

Overall this is honestly a really good and well written episode in my opinion and is in my opinion one of the better episodes of the show. that said tho this episode does have some issues alot of which i've discussed in this very review but to me those issues apart from alot of focus on Ed Sheeran during his appearance don't take away from the story infact some of them add to the story as such this episode get an 8.5 out of 10 from me.