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Friday, 30 June 2017

Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory Review

Hello there animation fans Tom and Jerry are back with a new movie is it as good as Spy Quest or is it as bad as the trailer made out (which was really bad by the way) or is it just ok well lets find out as i review Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.

The story for this film is basically the same one as Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory except with Tom And Jerry who now have to stop an evil businessman. I admit the story shocked because like the rest of the world i thought Tom and Jerry would just be of to the side doing there usual stuff but no they have a part to play in this story but that said it's still the same story and the same things happen in the same order.

The film stars JP Karliak as Willy Wonka , Jess Harnell as Grandpa Joe , Lincoln Melcher as Charlie Bucket , Mick Wingert as Mr. Slugworth , Rachel Butera as Augustus Gloop, Winkelmann , Dallas Lovato as Violet Beauregarde , Emily O'Brien as Veruca Salt , Sean Schemmel as Mr. Salt, Mr. Turkentine , Kath Soucie as Tuffy and Lauren Weisman as Mike Teevee. I have to say that the voice cast are very mixed you've got the guys who you can always count on like Jess Harnell , Kath Soucie ' Jeff Bergman and Sean Schemmel but then you get the newcomers like Lincoln Melcher who for some reason gives Charlie a British character an American accent the rest of the cast who play the kids are just meh and Karliak to me sounds like Gene Wilder.

The animation in this film i felt was like the acting a very mixed bag there's a lot of great movements and the character and facial animation on Tom and Jerry is really good which to me makes sense since there names are in the title but then you get to the character animation on the human characters which isn't that good at the best of times i swear to god there's a scene in this movie where Charlie looks like an arrogant jerk.

Now i kinda liked the character design in this movie i liked the way Tom and Jerry looked and i liked the fact that each of the kids looked like how they did in Willy Wonka well for the most part anyway but tho by sticking close to the original look of the kids it means the things the kids wear looks dated so i wouldn't have minded if they updated the fashion side of things. I have to say that i really loved the new look for Willy Wonka himself he looked like an honest to god businessman.

I have to admit the humor for me was very hit and miss but tho i think that's because the humor in the original Tom and Jerry shorts was so good and so on point that anything that followed those shorts know matter who worked on it would have had a hard time getting the jokes right but tho i have to admit there was a few scenes in the movie that did make me smile and that's always a good thing.

Now when i said the story was the exact the same i didn't mention the fact that the songs are also the exact same songs there even done in the same order except now Mr. Slugworth has the song that Veruca had in the 1970's movie and when it's her turn to sing it it turns into a duet i would comment on the original music but i didn't hear that much of it to make a fair comment but i don't think it would have killed them to include an original song or two just to change things up.

Overall this movie isn't as bad as the trailer made it out to be but at the same time it's not as good as it could have been so for me this movie is a 5.5 out of 10